Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Max Golden pose

1 comment:

  1. Hey Hari,

    I like this pose it's awesome! I think you are very good at 3D work, I think you worked very well today and seem to be talented with 3D, I think if you were able to affoard study without having to work so much(thanks to the stupid education systems) then you would be working very good with the rest of the class. I like these poses, however if I was to critique them and try to find improvements, I would suggest exaggerating the pose and changing the leg pose, so perhaps have more of a change and a difference with the stance between the Anticipation Pose, the Golden Pose and End Pose, and I would just exaggerate the leg and pose of the character a bit and move the feet and pose a little bit to create a more stable and solid character pose and appeal. :)
