Thursday, March 24, 2011

Buddhist Monk ''MELEAREPA'' Nepalese Animation Short''


  1. Thanks for posting this up Hari. It is good and interesting to look at Nepalese animation.

    The great thing is that it is quite like Brisbane animation :)

  2. Very cool to see an animation like this, good on you Hari!

  3. Great Animation Bravo :D
    You might like this which was filmed in a digital 3D environment
    A Short Tale of compassion, Love and Freedom.
    Santideva the moth explores his home cavern and makes a discovery that he may animate a discarded body assembled of bones and similar earthy detritus, with which he escapes the confines of cave world and emerges into the wider world of a beautiful and vibrant garden. Here he finds his companion a lady moth, trapped in a glass kilner jar and he sets her free......

    This film serves as an allegory about life, the development of the spirit and the impermanence of worldy matter such as our bodies, and the higher voyage of the spirit to freedom, above and beyond.
